Anti-Canadian - H.I.3


December 7, 2023 

We are suing for over 1000 reasons pertaining to the one Ontario neurological technology lab

We are giving the Canadians until December 15, 2023 to agree to a court case with media involving every person & group that operated with or at the one Ontario neurological technology lab affecting the body & life Dr Nic Bennett between 1980’s-2023

You can all make time in your busy schedules finally after others including many of you disregarded the situation between 1990’s-2023 

The Ontario neurological technology lab cost Dr Jeff Phillips of North Bay his life & that of everyone he had met past - present as everyone connected loose their lives for what those operating at & with the one Ontario neurological technology lab 

This is over an illegal - criminal forced evaluation in 2004 to cover up the one Ontario neurological technology labs wireless equipment. We are in 100% in disagreement with over 50 medical professionals in over 25 countries 

Symptoms of High Functioning Aspergers Syndrome. Mild Autism on the Autism Spectrum 

“While I qualify as a temporarily injured physically disabled person I am not a mentally challenged person. You cannot evaluate a rovot controlled person without the device unmanned” 

In court or settle over the one Ontario neurological technology lab or your dying early with many others 

December 15, 2023 - Court date or we begin further executions in retaliation 


Vic Fedeli
Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade of Ontario

In court or settle over the one Ontario neurological technology lab or your dying early with many others 

“Vic… you can make time or we will make time for you & those connected in different ways” - Dr Nic Bennett 

Asking you to help you out with your criminally & mentally insane Police officers & intelligence agents 

After December 15, 2023 Fedelli goes into the grave wirelessly with all his family members & extended family members & everyone he had met past & present for what his Government chose to do at the one Ontario neurological technology lab to CIG - Seven 

Government & Professional then Private life interests connected are all loosing their lives 


Doug Ford
Premier of Ontario

In court or settle over the one Ontario neurological technology lab or your dying early with many others 

“Doug… you can make time or we will make time for you & those connected in different ways” - Dr Nic Bennett 

After December 15, 2023 Ford goes into the grave wirelessly with all his family members & extended family members & everyone he had met past & present for what his Government chose to do at the one Ontario neurological technology lab to CIG - Seven

Government & Professional then Private life interests connected are all loosing their lives 


Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada

In court or settle over the one Ontario neurological technology lab or your dying early with many others 

“Justin… you can make time or we will make time for you & those connected in different ways” - Dr Nic Bennett 

After December 15, 2023 Trudeau goes into the grave wirelessly with all his family members & extended family members & everyone he had met past & present for what his Government chose to do at the one Ontario neurological technology lab to CIG - Seven

Government & Professional then Private life interests connected are all loosing their lives 

“The people that spied on & through my body are getting killed now between 2023-2025 as are those that vocally spoke into my skull - ears into my head or through my mouth. If you tried to vocally, physically & psychologically - mentally control my body at anytime between 1985-2023”

We are about to have everyone that worked in the Canadian Government past & present killed alongside anyone we connected to having had operated at or with the responsible neurological technology lab with Dr Nic Bennett permanently connected to the sourced full body neurological technology equipment prior to 1999 & daily between 2000-2023 

You can get your Government asses in court or settle privately with our legal interests involved over the one Ontario neurological technology lab - North Bay in Ontario Canada. We have the ability to retaliate from an international perspective with multiple interests in over 25 countries 


We, Dr Carly Koslov-Sumner & Dr Nic Bennett are having every human being we met in Canada killed in response & retaliation over the responsible neurological technology labs for what they did to the body of Dr Nic Bennett affecting CIG - Seven   

There is a list of under 25 Canadian Federal, Provincial & Coty or Municipal Government personnel that are not loosing their lives between 2023-2025 while everyone else is killed while we make a global example of them in every area of over 60 countries for what they or people connected chose to do to our group between 1980’s-2023 

The one Ontario neurological technology lab & North Bay Ontario Canada instigators at their lab finally go down while the responsible deceased died involved, guilty & were allowed to walk & sue without prosecution 

“Jacobs Ladders & the thousands of techniques. I havn’t time for your little North American games here wirelessly, through other people or directly”

Dr Nic Bennett with legal representation Karen Fellici


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