Harvard - H.I.3


Cambridge, MA, USA 

Edie Sedgwick & Peter Rothschild’s family of the Bevarian Masonic Illuminati interests had made donations & invested in Harvard University

The Bevarian Masonic Illuminati is a very focused finance - rights group of connected groups on earth that had been initially established before Christ 

A few buildings at the University have Peabody & Bevarian Masonic Illuminati symbols publicly shown referencing different interests & connected global groups as part of the University & groups history

The CIG - Seven expect these symbols & funding to remain for MIT - Harvard programs connected to respected international efforts in different areas of study & industry 

Our group has been involved with Harvard University since it’s inception as a Ivey League University 

Laurention University & McGill University we’re amongst connecting Canadian interests in the past while we had interests in Saskatchewan involved in what had become modern Neurological Sciences & Technology standards 

Dr Nic Bennett legal representation Karen Fellici


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