
Showing posts from December, 2023

Personal. H.I.3 Conclude. Dec 15. 23

H.I.3 CASE 2024 - FINAL EDIT  December 15, 2023  Personal. H.I.3 Conclude. Dec 15. 23  Read & gain an understanding of everything within  Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours profiles & corresponding Blogger pages associated description of the H.I.3 case pertaining to the four Bennett’s & CIG - Seven  Scroll down. Read all timeline & main page posts then photo album descriptions & photo descriptions  Proceed to all profile links to review everything as it all goes together as one with reminders  LIFE & CAREER OF DR NIC BENNETT Join over 500 million of my supporters that follow my career, social - financial & career portfolio, development & global investments connected to over 2 billion including the H.I.3 case while we go against just under 20 million of over 8 billion people alive despite some connected having since died between 1990’s-2023  The families of the deceased do remain connected for their own interests & protection  2024 - LIVE  Bennett - Brand &am

H.I.3 - All Links December 21, 2023

MASTER LINKS - EVERY DETAIL  Everything you need to know... H.I.3 - All Links December 21, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-30 days or 2 months of reading. Remain organized as you read each main page - time line, photo album & photograph description then Blogger page post as it all goes together as one with the H.I.3 case intertwined  No subliminal secret triple plus psychological programming with no or key word & memory trigger activation in descriptions. It is safe to read  Don't miss anything. Read everything slowly & thoroughly  FIRST LINK - Scroll down to all links  Page 1. All pages go together as one. Sydney Bennett CIG 2023 restructure H.I.3 Case. Organized strategically for review + PDF back up. Copy - save into Word or Doc for review & share copies like millions have -------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

2024 Plans. Dr Nic Bennett.

2024 Plans. Dr Nic Bennett. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Nic Bennett (Sydney) H.I.3 CASE  November 24, 2023 Read all Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours profiles that all interconnect as one for the criminal case then connect with all corresponding Blogger pages as it all comes together effectively with documented & recorded evidence. You can read within 30-60 hours or under 2-4 weeks after work noting all pages you read organizing together & even copy - paste into word or other document processor saving as PDF to refer to as reference  CORPORATE & HIGH PROFILE BRANDED PROFILE   Sydney Bennett - Seven. The CommonWealth Group Corresponding Social Pages  CIG 7 - The Commonwealth Group CIG 7 Research (Formerly Fox) H.I.3 case. All details  Replace (dot) with actual . to reveal li

North Bay 1000 - H.I 3

N ORTH BAY ONTARIO CANADA December 7, 2023 We are suing for over 1000 reasons pertaining to the one Ontario neurological technology lab  We are suing the North Bay General hospital & North Bay Government for their efforts operating at or with the one Ontario neurological technology lab & those responsible which operated daily between 1980’s-2023  Stakeholders Supervisors  Operating handlers  Past & present 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers & guests flown in & driven in  Accomplices  Persons & groups connected then those contacted, others connected operating through different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication within & outside borders & airspace of Canada  Dr. Kina McDougall is someone we are suing for what her hospital did as between the time she relocated to North Bay in Ontario Canada with evidence she & the hospital with others tried to down play & cover up the efforts taken by the one Ontario neurological

Opinions - H.I.3

O PINIONS - H.I.3 December 7, 2023 We are suing for over 1000 reasons pertaining to the one Ontario neurological technology lab  I, Dr Nic Bennett am suing the people that operated at & with the one Ontario neurological technology lab between 2012-2023 for multiple reasons including their efforts to express their opinion about anything into my skull - ears or through my mouth while monitoring my body illegally or while trying to take partial to full control  Governing me using their opinions, perspective, demands & expectations expecting me to forgo my own conscious decision & educated opinion or ability to research & connect with people I trust on my own terms  People expressing their opinions over products or services that had & do exist expecting I all of a sudden do not know while they are now experts or opinionated on any subject globally pertaining to anything or anyone that had & does exist  I did not ask one person or group for an opinion pertaining to a

College of Physicians - H.I.3

COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS - H.I.3 December 7, 2023 We are suing for over 1000 reasons pertaining to the one Ontario neurological technology lab  The Alberta College of physicians has to appear in court alongside others in Canada & USA over the earned credentials of Dr Nic Bennett through Michael Persinger & colleague Dr Mary Koslov through a few education institutions the. The one Ontario neurological technology labs effort to revoke Nic from working directly as a research doctor or practicing medical doctor with specialization between 2011-2023 including revoking the ability to open ones own separate medical practice outside of CIG - Seven medical focused investments This did not affect Dr Nic Bennett’s separate investments & CIG - Seven investments or losses caused by the people & groups operating at or with the responsible neurological technology labs between 1980’s-2023  WORLD WAR 3 This is separate from our global war against Southern Ontario & m

Harvard - H.I.3

HARVARD UNIVERSITY  Cambridge, MA, USA  Edie Sedgwick & Peter Rothschild’s family of the Bevarian Masonic Illuminati interests had made donations & invested in Harvard University The Bevarian Masonic Illuminati is a very focused finance - rights group of connected groups on earth that had been initially established before Christ  A few buildings at the University have Peabody & Bevarian Masonic Illuminati symbols publicly shown referencing different interests & connected global groups as part of the University & groups history The CIG - Seven expect these symbols & funding to remain for MIT - Harvard programs connected to respected international efforts in different areas of study & industry  Our group has been involved with Harvard University since it’s inception as a Ivey League University  Laurention University & McGill University we’re amongst connecting Canadian interests in the past while we had interests in Saskatchewan involved in what had become

Yee Tard - H.I.3

I LLUMINATI VERSUS KANYE WEST   December 7, 2023 We are suing for over 1000 reasons pertaining to the one Ontario neurological technology lab  I, Dr Nic Bennett am suing over TIFF Toronto 2015 & Pan Am games against he one Ontario neurological technology lab for efforts taken against in the Niagara Region, Toronto & Ottawa during these events then Nicole Kidman& husband’s Niagara Falls concerts between 2014-2015 The situation with Yee or rather Kanye West was to send a message over cultural religious equality rather than conflict in USA especially reminding Kanye which focused on an Australian Surfer lady as replacement in a restructured life after like many others slight errors in social response that left fans disinterested  Kanye was not informed he could not attend Pan Am yet I, Dr Nic Bennett (Sydney Bennett) was wirelessly attacked & revoked right to attend such  This did not go well… names mentioned & comparisons between 2012-2023 & my schedule plus life

Use of Information - H.I.3

USE OF INFORMATION  H.I.3 Case. December 7, 2023  Any one person or group internationally can since January 2016 use the information in the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours profiles & corresponding Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 case with recorded & documented evidence & experimental wireless neurological technology equipment used by the responsible labs in Canada  Feel free to copy & paste then save as docx & PDF then use it all as an additive in your professional & private lives  H.I.3 LAWSUIT 2023-2024  I, Dr Nic Bennett am suing the one of other labs for attacks on my body & life between 2012-2023 after separate efforts taken between 1980’s-2011 We would like connecting groups & persons to obtain private permission & sign on to our private global grid permission against the one Ontario neurological technology lab for efforts taken against Dr Nic Bennett between 1985-2023 joining over 500 million connected to over 2 billion globally  Dr Nic Benn

PWC Lawsuit - H.I.3

PWC LAWSUIT - H.I.3 We are suing for over 1000 reasons pertaining to the one Ontario neurological technology lab  I, Dr Nic Bennett am suing PWC Canada & interests connected that operated with the one Ontario neurological technology lab which is separate from yet involving my brother Jordan & those connected used in the attacks on my body, career & life prior to & after 2012  Those responsible that operated at the one Ontario neurological technology lab can describe to PWC Canada interests as to why I am including them in legal action against based on recorded & documented evidence  PWC Partnership - Canada  $500,000 - $2 Million buy in after meeting requirements as Senior manager  Many create liability holdings companies with a spouse or third party  The typical PwC Canada Partner salary is $334,383 per year. Partner salaries at PwC Canada can range from $230,539 - $867,660 per year. This estimate is based upon 6 PwC Canada Partner salary report(s) provided by empl

Residences of Dr Nic Bennett - H.I.3

R ESIDENCES OF DR NIC BENNETT - H.I.3  December 7, 2023  We are suing for over 1000 reasons pertaining to the one Ontario neurological technology lab The residences in which Dr Nic Bennett lived in daily between 1985-2023 then every place the body of had been 24/7 since on a daily basis is recorded & documented with conscious decisions versus the one Ontario neurological technology lab effort worth those involved & connected daily  Registered Cities - Towns where Dr Nic Bennett had Government ID & assets registered to between 1985-2023  North Bay Astorville Callander Sudbury Montreal Los Angeles  Vancouver  Ottawa Callander  Kelowna  Calgary Squamish - Whistler - Tofino  Chestermere  Airdrie Callander  Niagara Falls St Catharines  Thorold Hamilton - Waterdown Hamilton Barrie Red Deer Sylvan Lake  Calgary  North Bay  Travel accommodations, staff accommodations then studies, work, private work, investments & portfolio development between 1990’s & relationships of diff

Anti-Canadian - H.I.3

WE ARE 100% ANTI-CANADA & NORTH BAY   December 7, 2023  We are suing for over 1000 reasons pertaining to the one Ontario neurological technology lab We are giving the Canadians until December 15, 2023 to agree to a court case with media involving every person & group that operated with or at the one Ontario neurological technology lab affecting the body & life Dr Nic Bennett between 1980’s-2023 You can all make time in your busy schedules finally after others including many of you disregarded the situation between 1990’s-2023  The Ontario neurological technology lab cost Dr Jeff Phillips of North Bay his life & that of everyone he had met past - present as everyone connected loose their lives for what those operating at & with the one Ontario neurological technology lab  This is over an illegal - criminal forced evaluation in 2004 to cover up the one Ontario neurological technology labs wireless equipment. We are in 100% in disagreement with over 50 medical professi

Canadian Tire + H.I.3

CANADIAN TIRE + OTHERS - H.I.3 December 7, 2023 We are suing for over 1000 reasons pertaining to the one Ontario neurological technology lab  The companies that those operated with & at the one Ontario neurological technology lab prior to 2012 & daily between 2012-2023 mentioned, marketed as an attack technique on the body of Dr Nic Bennett with people that worked at those companies in different positions are facing a law suit for financial damages & criminal charges  Canadian Tire is amongst over 500 companies connected to the one Ontario neurological technology lab which is a concern for the CIG - Seven over market investments with people involved at those companies operating against s with the responsible neurological technology labs  We expect the Government & Private Sector interests responsible to answer for their efforts on record between 2012-2023 Almost every employer Dr Nic Bennett worked for minus those connected to CIG internationally were involved operating